by yuk.
Digital Download
A D W A is the debut release by yuk circa 2009. An album teeming with lush mysteries and dark allure, A D W A explores the misty juncture of beat and melody like a heart-of-darkness jungle cruise.
“yuk.’s A D W A is an album of sublime beauty. It’s a fog-shrouded vision quest through gorgeous terrains that transform from glacial to gritty as it winds its way through your ears. I feel a strong desire to loop right back to the start of this awe-inspiring journey after every listen.”
–frosty of dublab

by yuk.

Digital Download
A D W A is the debut release by yuk circa 2009. An album teeming with lush mysteries and dark allure, A D W A explores the misty juncture of beat and melody like a heart-of-darkness jungle cruise.
“yuk.’s A D W A is an album of sublime beauty. It’s a fog-shrouded vision quest through gorgeous terrains that transform from glacial to gritty as it winds its way through your ears. I feel a strong desire to loop right back to the start of this awe-inspiring journey after every listen.”
–frosty of dublab